Medical Billing Service

We specialize in Medical Billing Services.

Claim Submission

We process patient billing claims with insurance companies immediately after your patient's appointment.

Claim Reconciliation and Resubmission

Claim reconciliation process refers to identifying the amount supposed to be paid and the amount actually paid to the claimants.


We handle all your registration requests with insurance companies and RAMQ.

Claiming Premiums

We handle all the steps and ensure that all submitted claims are eligible for any bonuses.

Compensation Claims

As a physician, you may be eligible for services like Fee-for-Service (FFS), Enhanced Plans, and Salaries.

Hourly Rate Billing

We handle all hourly billing for doctors claiming to work in a GMF facility.

Appeal Claims

We will make all appeals for all types of claims against RAMQ and insurance companies on your behalf.

Administration Billing for GMF Physicians

We handle all hourly billing for doctors claiming to work in a GMF facility.

Specialized Billing

We can customize your medical billing process to suit your specific needs.

Continuing Claims Education

We assist you through every step with proper training on specific medical insurance and claims.

Out-of-Province Billing

We handle all medical billing for your patients who are citizens outside the province.

Cross Blue and Medavie Claims

We process all Blue Cross and Medavie medical billing claims directly with them so you can focus on your practice.

Account Reconciliation

If you receive a claim rejection, we review the message, reconcile, and then correct and resubmit the claim.

Bi-Monthly Personalized Payment Reviews

Information is the key to success. That's why we provide bi-monthly summaries of all your personalized payments and the medical billing process.

Monthly and Annual Payment Summaries

Our experienced accountants with several years of experience will summarize all your monthly and annual medical payments.

Bulletins on Significant Practice Changes

We will inform you of important rule and regulation changes happening in your practice sector.

Customer Service

Our customer service agents are available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

Customizable Billing Pickup Service

Our customizable billing service offers billing pickup service tailored to your specific needs at a particular location anytime.